Day 1
Today we gathered data from working on multiple beaches and gathered lots of scattered plastics and random items from the beaches we worked on, we also contacted a few professionals on the study of micro plastics and got meetings set up for the next week. The beaches that we went to were not very populated but we were able to grab multiple fishing nets scattered from fishing boats, random plastics that people left at the beach, and a load of plastic bottles and cans. The first beach we went to we covered the whole beach which took us close to 2 and a half hours, the second beach that we traveled to was an extremely large beach but by the time we got there it was closed so we had the whole beach to ourselves because we just informed the worker that we were cleaning it for a school project. This beach we weren't able to cover the whole thing because of how long it was so we plan on going back another time during this week or next, we cleaned this beach for 3 hours. I forgot to mentio...
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